
Strikee Shield exclusively distributes and installs Euthalia Marine’s lightning protection products in the USA and Panama, ensuring unparalleled vessel safety.
AIR PROTECTION >>> for direct DOWNWARD lightning, with products of the ENERG1CA® line
SEA PROTECTION >>> for UPWARD and indirect lightning, with products of the ARMON1CA® line
Some products of the ARMON1CA® line are also designed to protect electronic components that are particularly sensitive to electrically induced power surges. These systems protect against grid power surges during mooring.

Lightning naturally occurs to balance the continuous energy accumulation between the atmosphere and the earth. When this energy buildup surpasses the air’s capacity to hold it, lightning strikes to restore equilibrium.
The ENERG1CA® LPS (Lightning Protection Systems) mitigates this energy accumulation by gradually discharging some of the electrical energy in the atmosphere. As a result, during major thunderstorms, areas around yachts, buildings, or structures equipped with LPS experience reduced energy buildup. This decreases the likelihood of lightning strikes in the vicinity.

TE30 kA Marine Air Head
Lightning conductor installed on the top of the mast with a coverage range that varies according to the supporting items installed (SCa air blocking filter and SCt sea bocking filter).

SCa Marine Air-blocking filter
Air filters that create a reflector of the lightning conductor, increasing the coverage range and decreasing the probability of getting struck by the discharge.
The various models contain different percentages of non hygroscopic refractory material that determines different coverage areas of the product.
SCa Marine products are generally installed to protect the stanchions and pulpits.

Power surges can be generated by lightning that hits the energy/data distribution network, maintenance operations in the cabin, transients or overload current. Power surges are often overlooked but they are the cause of most damage to electrical and electronic equipment.
The ARMON1CA® product line is engineered to work with a range of voltages and is compatible with all current power transmission systems and mitigate incoming spikes. When lightning strikes the network or during cabin operations, specific electromagnetic frequencies can predict a power surge. The advanced technology within ARMON1CA® products captures these frequencies, allowing the device to counteract and reduce the surge, ensuring the safety of all power networks.

SCt Marine
Launching blocking filter
Launching polarization filter. Protects against downward and upward lightning and blocks the interference caused by dangerous potential differences (induced power surge) in addition to protecting against the frequency peaks that occur on the power line when the vessel is moored.

Box DAM Marine Surge Protection Devices
Surge protection devices (SPD) installed upstream of the circuit breaker to protect the power grids during mooring.
24/7 Protection
They are always in operation, reducing the risk of being struck by lightning.
Zero Consumption
Doesn’t produce or consume energy to operate
Total Protection
They ensure complete and discreet protection of the entire vessel
10 Year Warranty
An Allianz third-party insurance policy for damage and personal injury is included